with Brad Klassen, Carl Hargrove, and Steve Swartz 
September 27-28, 2024 in Bakersfield, California

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The Absolute Authority of Scripture

"Him we proclaim, admonishing every man and teaching every man with all wisdom,
so that we may present every man complete in Christ."

Colossians 1:28 (LSB)

The more deeply the people of God are convinced of the revelation, inspiration, infallibility, and clarity of Scripture, the greater the undeniable authority of Scripture will permeate every aspect of a believer’s life. This conference will be more than just lectures on why you can believe the Bible, but sermons from God’s word about God’s word to light the fires of absolute conviction that God has spoken. Because of this, mankind is obligated to receive and obey the revelation that God himself has said, “It is not an idle word for you; indeed, it is your life” (Deuteronomy 32:47).

2024 Conference Speakers

We are thankful for our guest speakers who make this yearly event full of rich and biblical truths.


The Master's Seminary

Los Angeles, California


Grace Advance

Los Angeles, California


Grace Bible Church

Bakersfield, California

Conference Schedule

Tentative conference schedule. A full schedule will be available to all attendees upon check-in.

Friday, September 27

6:00 pm
Registration & Check-In
7:00 pm
“It is Not an Idle Word: Why We Believe the Bible"
Dr. Steve Swartz
7:30 pm
"God Has Not Spoken in Secret"
Dr. Brad Klassen

Saturday, September 28

8:15 am
Registration & Check-In
9:00 am
"God's Good Words"
Dr. Carl Hargrove
10:30 am
"A Word More Sure"
Dr. Brad Klassen
12:00 pm
“Confidence in God’s Word— Evidence from within Scripture”
Dr. Michael Grisanti
12:45 pm
“Confidence in God’s Word— Evidence from Archaeology”
Dr. Michael Grisanti
1:30 pm
"God’s Words vs. The World’s”
Dr. Carl Hargrove
2:45 pm
Afternoon Break
3:00 pm
"The Best Professors: How Prophets and Apostles Interpreted Scripture”
Dr. Steve Swartz

Sunday, September 29

You are invited back to Grace Bible Church for worship on Sunday morning.

10:45 am
Guest Preaching
Dr. Brad Klassen
Please note that session times and topics are subject to change.

Why Steadfast?

The Steadfast Bible Conference exists to encourage and strengthen the body of Christ to be
"firmly grounded and steadfast, and not moved away from the hope of the gospel, which you have heard" - Colossians 1:23 (LSB).

  • A Warning and A Command

    We live in an age and culture that makes us want to question everything and not believe that truth is immovable. It's no wonder the Apostle Paul warned us, "Therefore, my beloved brothers, be STEADFAST, immovable." (1 Corinthians 15:58)

  • "Beloved, Be ye STEADFAST in the doctrines of the gospel. Know what you know, and knowing, cling to it."

    Charles H. Spurgeon
    British 19th century "Prince of Preachers"

  • An Encouragement

    This word STEADFAST is crucial in Scriptures and occurs dozens of times, warning us and encouraging believers to be strong in our faith. We know as Christians we are called to be different from our culture, and it is by standing upon God's Word that we are strengthened.

  • "Continue STEADFAST and unmovable in the profession of [your] faith"

    George Whitefield
    Great American 18th Century Preacher


    "...Continue in the faith firmly grounded and steadfast, and not moved away from the hope of the gospel, which you have heard, which was proclaimed in all creation under heaven"

    The Apostle Paul
    Colossians 1:23 (LSB)

Conference Audio Podcast

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Contact Us

The Steadfast Bible Conference is a ministry of Grace Bible Church of Bakersfield.
Please contact us with your questions regarding the conference or venue.